just getting back from holidays and finding your lovely comments,
dear Susana … thank you so much for your visits and words - I
really appreciate it !!!
hugs from afar, Adele
All my best wishes for a wonderful Christmas Season and a healthy and happy
New Year ..... and thank you for your friendship and inspiration !!!
Festive Greetings,
Thanks a lot Susana..you got amazing pictures here, I'll take a stroll down later, is almost midnnight here.
Best wishes
PS: I really don't care about awards or things like that, I'm an semi active photographer and a passionated admirer of other's work.
Mike- 05/09/2019 14:52
Hallo Susana,danke für deinen positiven Kommentar. Ja, ich sehne mich jetzt schon nach dem nächsten Urlaub in den Highlands!
LG Mike
Adele D. Oliver 07/08/2019 21:46
just getting back from holidays and finding your lovely comments,dear Susana … thank you so much for your visits and words - I
really appreciate it !!!
hugs from afar, Adele
Adele D. Oliver 23/12/2015 0:11
all my sincere wishes for a peaceful and joyous festive season !!!Season's Greetings,
Stropp 21/04/2015 21:37
Hi, guapa, ich hoffe, der mama gefallen die Fotos in ROSABABYBLAU genau so wie Dir. Dicken Knutscher,Ana
Stropp 24/02/2015 17:07
Ebenfalls hübsch Dein neues Profilfoto. Knutscher.Ana
Adele D. Oliver 22/12/2014 8:27
All my best wishes for a wonderful Christmas Season and a healthy and happyNew Year ..... and thank you for your friendship and inspiration !!!
Festive Greetings,
Claudio Micheli 29/11/2014 16:38
Many thanks!Have a nice sunday!
Ciao, Claudio
Claudio Micheli 26/09/2014 14:19
Thank you very much!Have a nice week end.
Ciao, Claudio
Monasophie13 30/07/2014 20:32
Dankeschön für deine nette Am zu meinem Foto.LG, Ramona.
Carlos García Jiménez 07/03/2014 0:56
Thanks a lot Susana..you got amazing pictures here, I'll take a stroll down later, is almost midnnight here.Best wishes
PS: I really don't care about awards or things like that, I'm an semi active photographer and a passionated admirer of other's work.
Canan Oner 22/02/2014 11:52
Thank you so much..Stropp 13/01/2014 16:47
Das sind Schneeflocken vom letzten Jahr, so aus dem Februar und auf meinem Balkontisch.Kuss und schönen Abend Euch.
Adele D. Oliver 23/12/2013 2:05
Dear Susana,I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas Season and for the New Year good health, peace and happiness !!!
hugs, Adele
Niccolo Dossarca ( oder auch u.a. JürgenStrötgen oder js ode 22/12/2013 19:01
Dir und Deinen Lieben wünsche ich alles Gute, nicht nur zur Weihnachtszeit ...ciao Jürgen
Canan Oner 22/12/2013 17:59
Dear Susana I wish you the best of all.Much hugs