Aside from the radial composition of this architecture, what makes the structure interesting is the juxtaposition of the 'permanance' of stone with the temporal, organic nature of the wood beams.
Thanks for your comments, on this image and the other perspective.
Hi Marie,
Thanks for your visit, and I'm pleased you like this image. There's just something special about the sunlight in Italy...might be the magical reflections off the lush green landscapes, the red clay tile roofs, and the travertine clad buildings. I appreciate your comment.
D o m e n i c o 22/10/2017 9:32
Eine beeidruckende Ansammlung von großartigen Werken bekommt man hier zu sehen.Da lohnt ein zweiter und auch dritter Blick.
Grüße Christian
Manno San 27/11/2013 2:15
Sehr beeindruckend!LG
Anita Niehaus 12/09/2013 8:53
Hallo Marie,mit großem Interesse und Bewunderung habe ich deine
Galerie angesehen. Ich bin beeindruckt!!!
LG Anita
ql-pixx fotoartist 08/09/2013 18:35
vielen Dank für deine Anmkung zu meinem BildFreut mich sehr, dass dir mein Bild gefällt :-)
Fallingwater 15/07/2013 5:25
Thanks Marie. This moment when the sun and architecture aligned needed to be captured.Fallingwater 16/04/2013 3:22
Marie,The space was simply transcendent. Thanks for your thoughtful comment--I appreciate it very much.
michel Baugé photo 12/03/2013 16:13
Vous faites partie des personnes Marie qui m'ont donné envie de faire du post traitement ,je suis un inconditionnel de votre travailamitiés
Graciela Baglione 17/01/2013 14:55
Thank you so much for your words, marie.
Fallingwater 16/01/2013 2:31
Marie,Aside from the radial composition of this architecture, what makes the structure interesting is the juxtaposition of the 'permanance' of stone with the temporal, organic nature of the wood beams.
Thanks for your comments, on this image and the other perspective.
Fallingwater 15/01/2013 4:07
Marie,Thanks for your compliment; I appreciate your interest.
And, I wish you a new year of further exploration and discovery!
Dinu Filipescu 13/01/2013 19:48
Nice world , the one you are living in .Dinu
Niccolo Dossarca ( oder auch u.a. JürgenStrötgen oder js ode 23/12/2012 8:47
Liebe Grüße aus dem blackforest sendet JürgenTadeusz Roguski 16/09/2012 23:12
adult mastery.Fallingwater 11/09/2012 3:04
Hi Marie,Thanks for your visit, and I'm pleased you like this image. There's just something special about the sunlight in Italy...might be the magical reflections off the lush green landscapes, the red clay tile roofs, and the travertine clad buildings. I appreciate your comment.
Naikkì 28/08/2012 14:43
Thank you very much, I\'m glad you like it!:) Naikkì