Sven Pfeiffer 12/04/2006 21:38
Thanks ! greetings Sven(denilp)
Robert L. Roux 12/04/2006 15:00
this year's swans, very soon -easter greetings from the heart of the northcountry - r
Olensis Junge 12/04/2006 0:16
Hi Wayne,Thanks for your comment.
TINKERBELL 59 11/04/2006 20:54
G`day Wayne......
Thanks a lot for your nice comment of my picture.
Do not hesitate visit my page again.
Have a nice day
Pascal Viyer 11/04/2006 19:02
Hei Wayne,Are you stand for elections ?
You very popular
Helli Mair 11/04/2006 14:45
Hi Wayne,Thank you for your comment
Gerry R. Dagonese 08/04/2006 14:54
Hi Wayne,Thank you for your comment on Together Awaiting the Stormy Sunset.
Nikolaus Benz 08/04/2006 12:13
Hi Wayne,Thank's for your comment to my - "
Life Source" photograph which is much appreciated.
Kind regards from Cheltenham, England.
Ursina Künti 07/04/2006 21:20
Sälü Wayne,freut mich ganz besonders, dass mein Kleiner auch in Australien gut ankommt.... ;-))
liebe Grüsse aus Bern
Antonio Amen 07/04/2006 14:16
Thank you so muchRegards
Sean Robertson 07/04/2006 13:36
Many thanks for your kind comment on "Sani Pass".Emil Maga 07/04/2006 6:18
10x for your comment on " before the storm", u have nice pics too, i like " endless blue", " last rays over Totarumi" and " descend into light". nise to meat u,best regards, emi
Michael C. Winkler 06/04/2006 9:17
hi wayne!thanks a lot for commenting my photograph "simple"!
Katerina Zumrová 05/04/2006 17:59
Thanx…Katerina :-)
David Turner 05/04/2006 0:18
Many thanks for your views!Greetings from the UK