All things AND lives are passing by...Not all like flowers, which vanish painfully because their beauty and colours are dissoluting in the land of spirits where we can no longer touch them . Maybe this is why some of us are fascinated by flowers! Yours are beautiful.
adriano j faria 22/08/2010 15:28
Hi Alexandra,thank you so much for the comment.Im realy a fun of your work.
have a nice time and good shots!!!
Victor Malakhov 17/08/2010 12:00
thank you a lot for your comment to my bw,VicTor
Simona B. 25/06/2010 23:37
Uneori timpul se opreste.......crede-ma!!Tocmai am citit citeva bancuri cu moldoveni...:)
Iti scriu si tie unul:
Care-i deviza moldoveanului?
Viata-i scurta. Daca tot n-o putem lungi, hai s-o facem lata!
Te imbratisez cu drag,
dirk van Appeldorn 25/06/2010 6:23
wonderful portfolio
best wishes
pistone 16/06/2010 1:58
Thank you so much, Alexandra!bw Priska
† Remesco 14/06/2010 21:43
Merci AlexandraAmicalement
MarcoG. 23/05/2010 12:24
Your gallery is amazing, Alexandra. I found it exeptionally inspiring.Cheers from Switzerland.
Lucian Zarma 09/05/2010 16:01
All things AND lives are passing by...Not all like flowers, which vanish painfully because their beauty and colours are dissoluting in the land of spirits where we can no longer touch them . Maybe this is why some of us are fascinated by flowers! Yours are beautiful.Francesco Bologna 30/03/2010 18:28
Non c'è metro di giudizio per esprimere la bellezza ed espressione delle tue foto. Grazie per l'emozione che mi dai nel vederle.Francesco
Michael Grotkamp 27/03/2010 11:29
Was a part of you this finished voting. -:).. thanks, Alexandra.ciao, Michael
Simona B. 14/03/2010 11:19
Buna Alex,Multumesc frumos de vizita :)
Sa nu-ti para rau de vot. Nu este nici cea mai mica problema :))
Te pup.
Cu drag,
Dinu Filipescu 20/02/2010 11:19
Wonderful portraits ! Congratulations for the profesionalism of our gallery. I enjoyed it a lot and I hope to see more of them in the future .dinu
Simona B. 19/02/2010 23:16
Miss you...:)Simona
Elio Maria Adamo di Cefalà 08/02/2010 23:30
L'ho proposta per la galleria.
Puoi darle un occhiata?
Véronique Soulier 06/02/2010 17:42
Thank you for the vote Alaexandra !
Merci d'avoir aimé ce ciel de neige, Amitiés