thank you very much for your comment on 'otherWhere' and for stopping by and looking through my images. it was shot at a club called the Seahorse Inn in my hometown...lots of kitschy and wonderful nautical stuff and sparkly turquoise naugahyde booths to boot! it's been there for as long as i can remember and i've been known to sing a little karaoke there once in a great while. very fun place!!
sarah k
Hey Pat, I understand where you're coming from that with certain 'creative' and 'artistic' photographs sharpness is not key. But I still strongly feel that anytime you are dealing with an extreme close up/ macro shot, as in the case of "atopos," there has to be some sharpness on the subject otherwise it just looks like an unfocused photograph, like a mistake. Even if you are using a selective focusing technique there still has to be a point in clear focus otherwise its just a blurry photo, and "atopos," while not completely blurry, just was not well focused, like someone pushing in too far with their lens. Anyway, just thought I'd drop my note on that whole deal.
Thank you for your comment!
Sunrise is always inspiring, but its damn hard to catch it with camera so you could feel the same impression as it was real.
Sarah D. Kiefer 01/03/2007 16:28
CONGRATULATIONS PAT!!!! i love your new gallery image...just awesome! yay. : )cheers,
sarah k
Hanna P 28/02/2007 13:17
thanks for your comment on my pic, appreciate it:)Sarah D. Kiefer 27/02/2007 18:55
thanks pat! glad you like 'So?'... wonderful image you have up for voting, too!!cheers,
sarah k
Claire L. 26/02/2007 21:37
Thanks for your comment...and many others ;-)
Cheers, Claire
Marco .N. Brambini 26/02/2007 19:19
Hi Pat! Thanks for the beautiful words again!"I was referring to the "artificial" light...just the light."
My bad, I misunderstanded, sorry!
YRG 26/02/2007 18:18
Thank you very much for your visit and comment of my pictures. From all of them I like this one much better than others, too.Regards,
Pat McMullen 26/02/2007 0:37
Marco, I was referring to the "artificial" light.Pat
Marco .N. Brambini 25/02/2007 23:49
Well, 'cause they are stars! I know it kinda give the 'artificial' sensation, but it's all natural, I only shooted the photo and nothing else!Edit:
Sorry, I forgot to thank you for all your comments, thanks a lot!
Sarah D. Kiefer 25/02/2007 20:55
thanks, if but a little belated!sk
Marco .N. Brambini 24/02/2007 21:28
Thanks Pat, i liked your comment, really! See you!Sarah D. Kiefer 24/02/2007 21:19
pat,thank you very much for your comment on 'otherWhere' and for stopping by and looking through my images. it was shot at a club called the Seahorse Inn in my hometown...lots of kitschy and wonderful nautical stuff and sparkly turquoise naugahyde booths to boot! it's been there for as long as i can remember and i've been known to sing a little karaoke there once in a great while. very fun place!!
sarah k
Mark Johnston 24/02/2007 4:26
Hey Pat, I understand where you're coming from that with certain 'creative' and 'artistic' photographs sharpness is not key. But I still strongly feel that anytime you are dealing with an extreme close up/ macro shot, as in the case of "atopos," there has to be some sharpness on the subject otherwise it just looks like an unfocused photograph, like a mistake. Even if you are using a selective focusing technique there still has to be a point in clear focus otherwise its just a blurry photo, and "atopos," while not completely blurry, just was not well focused, like someone pushing in too far with their lens. Anyway, just thought I'd drop my note on that whole deal.Mark.
Rebecca Ne. 22/02/2007 16:56
Hi there,Well, shelties are amazing, fun to hear that you have one =)
Marco .N. Brambini 18/02/2007 15:36
Thank you Pat! I'm glad you like it. See you!Margo Perend 18/02/2007 14:58
Thank you for your comment!Sunrise is always inspiring, but its damn hard to catch it with camera so you could feel the same impression as it was real.