Mis fotos destacadas
Sobre mi
Ich fotografiere bereits seit meiner Kindheit, allerdings nur "point & shoot" und befasse mich erst seit der Anschaffung einer Nikon D80 und diversen Objektiven ernsthaft mit der SLR Fotografie. Bin Autoditakt und lerne viel durch beobachten, in diversen Internet communities und durch einige gute Buecher. Habe keine bevorzugten "Objekte" sondern gehe gerne mit der Kamera auf Tour und lasse mich von allem moeglichen inspirieren. Besonderes Interesse habe ich am Lichtspiel und versuche auch in diesem Bereich noch moeglichst viel dazu zu lernen.
I've been taking pictures since my early childhood but more or less with cheap cameras and "point & shoot" method. In 2006 I got a Nikon D80 and several lenses over the past 2 years and am now more serious about photography. I'm still soaking in, everything I can find out and learn about photography, especially in internet photo communities and by means of a few good books. I am not specialized in any certain kind of photography and enjoy mostly strolling around with my camera until something inspires me. But I do like playing with light and try to advance myself in that area.
I've been taking pictures since my early childhood but more or less with cheap cameras and "point & shoot" method. In 2006 I got a Nikon D80 and several lenses over the past 2 years and am now more serious about photography. I'm still soaking in, everything I can find out and learn about photography, especially in internet photo communities and by means of a few good books. I am not specialized in any certain kind of photography and enjoy mostly strolling around with my camera until something inspires me. But I do like playing with light and try to advance myself in that area.
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