Peter Taylor

Free Account, Schlangen

Sobre mi

I am in my mid forties, have served a full career with Her Majesties Forces and now work for a global property advisor. Photography is much like my other hobby, fishing. Every time I go out I take a camera as I never know what opportunity will be presented and I could be only a few minutes away from the shot of a lifetime, it doesn't matter if I have my best equipment or my I phone, if the chance is there, take it!!

Love browsing through the other photos on here, there are some extremely talented photographers on Fotocommunity!!

Comentarios 5

  • TomDoc 04/06/2013 9:26

    Hello Peter, thanks for looking at my photographs.
    I've seen your pictures too.
    I like them.
    Good eye, good camera.
    Though I am new here in this community: we are all equal, not the same, looking always with one eye through the camera
    best regards
  • Mel-Ba 02/06/2013 11:18

    Hi Peter,
    Thanks for your visit in my account.
    I feel homesick too, when I think about this very special island.
    Take care and have a good time with the FC.
    Cheerio Mel-Ba
  • Phil01 27/05/2013 8:50

    Hi Peter, thanks for your comments from Spurnhead, glad i could wake a few memories from your youth. My brother and his mate still go fishing there. I,m a dedicated Match Angler.
    Like you i served in HM Forces ( 12years) and got stranded here in Germany. Now I,m retired i have time for my second hobby, Photography.
    Have a nice time here in fc.
  • Sue Thompson 26/05/2013 10:04

    Hello Peter, and welcome to fc. You sound like a man after my own heart.....anything that gets in front of the lens could get shot :)))))
    Have fun and enjoy.

  • Harold Thompson 25/05/2013 18:18

    Welcome to FC from across the river from Hull
    Thanks for your comment

    :-)) Harold
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  • 15 24
Recibidos / Dado



Canon 500D
400mm Canon Zoom lens
250mm Canon lens
60mm Canon Macro
Walimex Fisheye
18mm-50mm Canon lens