
Sobre mi

Hello To All!
I'm new guy here,My name is Vincenzo (Vins) and I 'm a designer in a marble factory in Tuscany ,in the Versilia area ,just few steps from the Tirreno sea.
I'm very passioned in photography expecially in astrophotography.
A big greet to all the people here !


Comentarios 11

  • Sighard Schraebler 29/10/2007 20:13

    Hi Vins,
    I just processed our combined effort on Cassiopeia, have a look in Nature / Astro.

    best regards, Sighard
  • Christian Rusch 25/12/2006 22:47

    Hey Vins
    I wish you also goods for 2007,
    clear nights and further an exciting exchange of ideas with you !
    Best whishes Christian
  • Hartmuth Kintzel 25/12/2006 21:15

    Hello Vins,
    I also wish You marry Christmas and a happy and successful new year.

    Best wishes Hartmuth
  • Andreas Divjak 05/12/2006 19:43

    You show very impressive pictures.

    Yellow light :-))

  • Balazs Pataki 02/12/2006 22:35

    Ciao Vins, grazie per il tuo commento!
  • Sighard Schraebler 19/08/2006 22:24

    Hi Vins,

    would be happy to recieve your CAS Image in highres -
    made a similar one on Izana / Tenerife in 1996 on Kodak GPY 400.

    best regards
  • Sabine Krüger 16/08/2006 14:17

    Hey Vins,
    I'm fascinated of space and it is always a pleasure to look at these beautiful pictures.
    sabine :-)
  • Müller Michael 14/08/2006 19:07

    Hy Vins
    My English is a real big Catastroph..
    I hope you speak German? (for the next time)
    You have realy special picts!
    I wish you fun
    good picts
    and evry time good light

    LG Mike ;-))
  • Stefan Seidlitz 14/08/2006 18:14

    Hi Vins,

    I'm very interessted in astrophotografhy. But i haven't the possibility to makes pictures of astronomical objects. I hope you take other interessted pictures.

    Welcome to the fotocommunity.

  • Claus-Dieter Jahn 12/08/2006 19:17

    Auch von mir ein herzliches Wilkommen in der FC.
    Dein Einstandsbild ist ja schon mal ganz stark.

    Gruß Cl.-D.
  • Melani Marfeld 12/08/2006 17:32

    Hallo Vins,
    willkommen im Club der (Foto)Verrückten.
    Ich wünsche Dir hier viel Spaß, und allzeit gutes Licht.
    LG, Melani
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