Rene Asmussen

Free Account, Aarhus

Sobre mi

Art Photography, danish, Rene Asmussen, Fotograf, bryllupsfotograf.

Protographer from Denmark - Artistic style and creative mind. Award winning photography.

Fotograf Rene Asmussen har vundet mange priser for sine spændende og kreative fotos og portrætfotos, samt flotte og kreative kunstfotos.

Recommended links to photographers from Denmark :

Comentarios 104

  • Björn Pommerehncke 31/08/2010 10:17

    Wirklich SEHR tolle Bilder !!!
  • ART.ig 31/08/2010 9:26

    Traumhaft schön, Deine Bilder!
    LG ARTig
  • Lallü 30/05/2008 15:32

    Du machst echt geniale Bilder!
    Mein Kompliment.
    Trifft genau meinen Geschmackt :)

  • M O T O M 01/10/2007 10:04

    I´m glad that I have met you here ... wonderful pictures with so much emotions .... love them
  • Edel Beck 29/09/2007 0:02

  • Peter C. 26/02/2007 11:57

    Hi Rene,
    i have just look around in your galery and i found few very, very nice pictures there inside, especially your b/w pics are very fascinating.
    In joyful anticipation for new pictures ;o))

    Best regards Peter

    PS: A picture is worth a thousand words.
  • weggezogen 23/02/2007 16:13

    D a w n
    D a w n
    Rene Asmussen

    dear rene
    absolutely great
    some of the very best I've seen entering this gallery
    kind regards
  • Peter Indergand 23/02/2007 10:34

    Hello Rene,

    your pictures are indeed from an other world.
    How do you get into that world?
    I like the perfection of these images and of course
    the special view into that other world.

    You say, "Simply being as one with the picture really drives me... " that explains the perfection, but you neglect to say, that it is you who create this images with your inner access to that world's

    Hope to see more of your inspiring pictures

    Greetings from Germany
  • Jana Behr 28/01/2007 20:56

    Hi Rene,
    your gallery is absolute brilliant!!!

    Regards, Jana
  • Jan Krützfeldt 26/11/2006 19:33

    Ich mag Dein Stil!
    Grüße aus Husum
  • Laura Hess 05/11/2006 22:55

    Dina bilder är fantastiska. Jag gillar din stil. Det är verkligen n°agot eget och inte som alla andras.
    Min personliga favorit av de som jag har sett är nog Inprisonment.
    Fast det är sva°rt att sl°a fast na°gon favorit över huvud taget för att de är helt underbara alihopa.
    Ett stort komplimang! Jag är imponerad!
    Hälsningar, Laura
  • Zwerchwerk 17/10/2006 9:53

    wundervolle Arbeiten!!!!

  • aNNi ART 12/07/2006 19:49

    Oh hab dich grade hier entdeckt. Ich kenne deine "Werke" schon von deiner Homepage. Einfach grandios.
    lg aNNi
  • LjPhotoart 20/11/2005 18:32

    En dansker i FC? Det er da en dejlig ting! :-) Dine billeder er virkelig meget gode! Jeg ville sige du skulle have direkt upload i galleriet ;-) håber du fortsætter den gode linie! Mange hilsener
  • Amy Lin 28/10/2005 15:28

    Hi Rene, dein Still gefällt mir echt super! Habe mich gefreut solche Bilder zu sehen...

    LG Amy
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