Silke Roberts

Free Account, Filderstadt

Sobre mi

Ernsthafte Kritik ist mir wichtig, also bitte legt los. Bin nicht empfindlich!

Nur so lernt man.

Comentarios 2

  • RajB 30/08/2012 23:12

    Thanks for your kind comment on my picture Silke! But you know she was 6 year old when I clicked this picture..She is my friend\'s daughter and was sad when we were returning from NYC and she was sad because of leaving her friend behind..i just got this captured this on time..
    By the way couldn\'t find you on facebook. here is my facebook profile link and my photography page link-

    see ya there :)
  • RajB 14/08/2012 15:02

    Nice picture Silke! I like them!
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