1.368 6

Brad Waldera

Free Account, Wahpeton, North Dakota.

10 miles.....

I drove ten miles to get this shot. It pretty much turned out how I had hoped it would. D50 and Sigma 70-300mm APO DG Macro.

Comentarios 6

  • Jm. Disko. 10/03/2006 1:40

  • Rob Brydon 09/03/2006 23:40

    Well done Brad. Excellent composition. Well thought out..Cheers..Rob
  • Brad Waldera 09/03/2006 23:22

    You know what's funny about this shot, is that I got the camera set up. I tried a couple of test photos to get the exposure right, and decided what settings to shoot. Then, wouldn't you know it, no cars were coming. I waited a couple minutes, then saw a car coming from behind me. I got ready, making sure to trip the shutter at just the right time. I pressed it at exactly the right moment, right before the car went past me, only to then see that one of the car's taillights was burnt out. Is that humor, or Irony, or what? I laughed out loud, as I thought that was hillarious. Glad you all liked the photo.
  • John Holmes 09/03/2006 21:53

    well plannned and executed. jh
  • Martin Unger 09/03/2006 21:47

    That's fantastic work, Brad, with just the right exposition! Congrats!
    (May I admit that I also like nightshots...? :))
  • Brad Waldera 09/03/2006 15:18

    I need to use the exit on this overpass about 20 times a year to go to Fargo. I knew there was a small approach right before the turn, so I parked there, set up the tripod, and waited for the right time to get cars coming and going. I took about five shots untill I figured I had the Aperature and Shutter where I wanted, then needed to take two or three more to get the shot I wanted, which you see here. Then I went back to town and took some other shots of another bridge, a gas station, and a sign. It's fun taking night shots, although it was freezing. Glad you liked it. Thanks Paul.