Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

4 People at a Time

the new normal at this funky little bookstore on Main Street ...

Comentarios 28

  • sitagita 21/12/2020 19:00

    At least 4 are allowed to enter. Here all shops are closed except foodstores, chemists, petrol stations etc. Last wednesday 10 days before christmas the big close down hit us. I do agree, as the figures of new infections and death cases are truely alarming.
    The only hope is the new vaccination which will start to be distributed right after Christmas. It will take time, until it will take effect.
    Kind regards,
  • Berthold Klammer 20/12/2020 14:53

    Well seen and composed, a document of this crazy time! regards Berthold
  • Karl-Heinz Wagemans 19/12/2020 15:38

    Mit lebendigen Farben und interessant anzusehen!
    BG K.-H.
  • Titus Photografie 18/12/2020 20:26

    Ich denke, in diesen romantischen kleinen Laden kommen auch normalerweise nicht viel Menschen rein - eine feine Aufnahme!
    lg Christian
  • aline64 18/12/2020 11:26

    belle prise de cet ensemble !!!
  • Jacky Kobelt 18/12/2020 9:31

    Charming scenery
    lovely and cosy
  • Monika Arnold 17/12/2020 23:41

    Ein interessantes Motiv.
    Ganz liebe Grüße Monika
  • Axel Sand 17/12/2020 19:52

    A very good capture of this new normal.
    Warm regards
  • 19king40 17/12/2020 18:53

    Bestens präsentiert.
    LG Manni
  • Emilio Sirletti 17/12/2020 13:38

    Reading is good medicine to ease the sadness of these days.
    Unfortunately the readers are less and less ...
    Hugs, Emilioo
  • Torsten TBüttner 17/12/2020 12:04

    ein schöner Fund
  • Alfred Photo 17/12/2020 11:45

    It is annoying to limit the number of people.
    But on the other hand it helps to keep track of things in this shop.
    May normal everyday life return as soon as possible

  • Mark Billiau. 17/12/2020 11:37

    Nice docu shot !
    4 people seems like a lot for this small shop in these pandemic times.......
  • Günther Metzinger 17/12/2020 11:03

    Ist der Kampf gegen die Digitalisierung zu gewinnen?
    VG Günther M
  • de ceulaer 17/12/2020 10:45

    très gaie cette librairie !


Carpeta Around Vancouver
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Cámara Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objetivo 4.3 - 215.0 mm
Diafragma 3.4
Tiempo de exposición 1/60
Distancia focal 4.3 mm
ISO 400