648 6

Przemek Bator

Free Account, Lublin


zenit 122, X-tra, helios 58mm, Write your comment in English, please :))

Comentarios 6

  • Kurt Salzmann 17/12/2002 19:41

    Nice work.... I like this abstrkt motives...br ks

  • 6 6 1 09/12/2002 14:57

    Nice tone and DOF. I maybe would crop the three tubes in the foreground.
  • Przemek Bator 09/12/2002 14:40

    Manuel - it are paper tubes used to manufacturing fireworks or sth
  • Simone Härri 09/12/2002 13:33

    I like it very much as well. especially the colour and the simplicity of the picture. cheers simone
  • Blende EinsAcht 09/12/2002 13:32

    nice, minimalistic, graphic. i like it. nice color, too! well done :-)

  • Der Manuel 09/12/2002 13:30

    Well done - I like the color and the point of view - where did you find thoses tubes (or glasses) - looks like Ikea :-)