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A Brooklyn Heights Moment No.1

A Brooklyn Heights Moment No.1

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A Brooklyn Heights Moment No.1

A balmy summer afternoon, a good book, a cigar...

To his right, a walkway leads, past a pocket park and playground, down to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade, with its
expansive views of the East River, the Lower Manhattan skyline, the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty.

But one gets the impression he's seen it all before...

©2014 Steve Ember

Comentarios 2

  • Manuel Gloger 22/09/2014 9:57

    Great street pic in fine light. He found his special plce to enjoy the afternoon sun and read his book, which seems to fascinate him and transport him into a different world. A very unique moment.
    Greetings, Manuel
  • s. sabine krause 29/06/2014 11:29

    norman mailer on his home turf, wearing his comfy writer's gear and bending over a first edition of "huckleberry finn", totally oblivient of the fact that to the fascinated bystander he must look… like an exclamation mark in quotes! ; )) greetings, sabine. p.s.: love the "summer the city feel" to this shot!