a flower blooms
forgive the lack of sharpness -
the picture's and old thumbnail-sized-foundling ...
it's not july or even currently topical -
just a song about how horrible people can be.
but beautiful flowers will always grow ...
Dragomir Vukovic 15/03/2022 5:43
beautiful !!!Marina Luise 14/03/2022 8:00
Linum perenne - Staudenlein! Ihm fehlt die Sonne!Peter Schillmeier 11/03/2022 9:20
Schöne AufnahmeLG Peter
norbert.dreyer 10/03/2022 11:49
Beautiful! Many greetingsann mari cris aschieri 10/03/2022 11:15
This flower seems to be unhappy for what it is founding around, but it does'nt loose its color and beauty...W la vita
redfox-dream-art-photography 10/03/2022 8:00
Wonderful flower.Excellent composition, pov and bokeh!
regards, redfox
Adele D. Oliver 10/03/2022 0:22
a luminous little blue one, a beautiful flower,yet the buds and leaves wilted ... miracle o life !!
warm regards,
Benita Sittner 09/03/2022 23:03
....ein feines kleines blaues Blümchen....sehr gut fotografiert....VLG BenitaMira Culix 09/03/2022 19:33
pretty little flowerMoni R 09/03/2022 18:29
Sehr gut fotografiert das schöne Blümchen.LG Moni
Vitória Castelo Santos 09/03/2022 15:43
GREAT PICTUREKlacky 09/03/2022 13:28
Small flowers stay small but will be great in spirit.