A refugee in Athens

The situation of refugees in Athens is unbearable.

In a park I passed by daily the last two weeks, 600 people mostly women and children from Afghanistan "life" under bad health conditions, a lot of them got ill.

I met a worker from the greek ministry of health by accident. She and her collegue visited the refugees to see what they can do, in a time of cutbacks under the pressure of EU politics. The health sector and social affairs in general are heavily effected by the pressure since 2011 and she is sure about it will get worst under the new austerity packet she says.

Truely she is shocked about the picture she got in the park aware about that through her job she cannot change the situation there.

She also says there is a big solidarity from Athenians with the fleed people in the park. Together they build up a shower and a outdoor kitchen with them, to make the situation a little better. Ordinary people come and ask the refugees what they need and bring things of daily life such as sanitarybags for women or nappies for babies. "A drop of water on a hot stone."
Europe, 2015.

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ISO 200