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A snack at bedtime.

A snack at bedtime.

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A snack at bedtime.

Though I would be a little wary about the onion!!

This is my first attempt at this kind of still life, any comments, advise, critisms, are of course always welcome.

Comentarios 14

  • John Moore 12/06/2006 6:17

    A grand meal fit for a king at bedtime mate!!
    I love this one, more than the other.
    Best wishes from down yonder.

  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 01/06/2006 2:20

    i can see alot of the subject is out of focus Dom but the warm colours are quite inviting in a way like Falko said you can almost taste it, and i think that is a magical trate to have when photographing still-life.
    love it actually just a little more sharpness thats all, but you will get better and eventually we will be all jumping through the screen to get at your food LMAO """

    jaime :)
  • Dean Linder 31/05/2006 22:05

    wonderful still life!

  • Buck Wicker 30/05/2006 14:45

    Beautiful Image Dominic.
  • JVision 29/05/2006 8:30

    Beautiful still life.
  • Frank Cecconi 28/05/2006 23:20

    Dominic, this is inspirational stuff! yes, the pic requires more sharpness + light but I would also add more items and the onion looks fine. Also, try different perspectives, angles etc. Well done;-)
  • Cees Kuijs 28/05/2006 13:40

    I have to agree with the others. Also with the onion, too windy at night :-)))
    Greetings, Cees
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 27/05/2006 19:45

    Sharpness required.
    I don't like onion either, remove it!

  • Sergio Pessolano 27/05/2006 13:48

    Very good still life. It only needs a little bit sharpness more and a crop on the right to remove a part of the overburned object.
  • Rob Brydon 27/05/2006 13:46

    I like this Dominic.. Perhaps a reflector for the left side of the image would have sped up the shutter and therefore not burnt the right edge so much. I like the theme tho and have to agree with Yasemin, the medieval time comes thru..Cheers..Rob
  • Karin D. Ludwig 27/05/2006 9:04

    Mmmm yummy! :-)
    As already has been mentioned above, you might consider to crop it on the right hand side and add a little blank space to the left. Also a little sharpening would improve a lot.
    However, I like the arrangement and the colors and like Falko, I can smell it, it's definitely mouth watering. Good job Dominic!
  • Seagaul 27/05/2006 8:33

    Horizon is o.k. cuts the picture nicely. Colors are warm and nice. Too much lighting on the right. The snack seems not really sharp and from that perspective all the background objects seem ot hide behind the ones in the foreground. I would choose daylght with a reflecting device on the left. - Besides I can smell the bread, and the red wine !
    So far, I´m getting hungry, move to get breakfast. Like to see more, and will try some myself.
  • Paul Laurel 27/05/2006 3:08

  • Jan Van Der Hooft 26/05/2006 23:52

    Very nice shot maybe a little to light on the right side
    Gr Jan