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A Step Into the Wild Side

A Step Into the Wild Side

11.455 10

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

A Step Into the Wild Side

The great outing has begun. The tot with pacifier in mouth can walk, and is now learning what is outside his makeshift shack. Every thing is new and friendly. He has no care in the world. WHen younger he wold have been in his mother's arms asking for money for the baby. A sight we all have experienced deep heart strings for as we all drown in empathy.

His big sister is thin, while he is plump and healthy. He's the boy child. The child is the pride of the father and family. One day this boy might become important, and if not . He'll still become the head of a household and continue to get the prime portions of the food while the girl gets the craps and all the chores and in time herself learn to run in packs to make money.

BUt for now in the illegal camp they have each other and are both learning what life will become in the future. They are lucky the sun is out and for now both can relax under the sun.

Comentarios 10

  • s. sabine krause 29/07/2013 8:50

    : )) whenever this pops up on the title page of the "people" section, it's making me smile! he's such a soft-skinned, chubby-cheeked charmer!
  • alexander stefanatos 24/07/2013 21:37

    A glimpse of optimism, a sun through the clouds!...The smile, the expression of the child is the heart of the picture...
    best regards alexander
  • mohane 24/07/2013 12:19

    I like this one and this shared moment
  • Prost Marlies 21/07/2013 21:49

    a great foto
    LG Marlies
  • Alfredo Yanez 19/07/2013 9:57

    Excelente retrato, la edición muy buena!!!
    Felicitaciones Glenn Capers !!
    Saludos & buena luz!*
  • JOKIST 18/07/2013 21:56

    Eine 1 A Aufnahme !

    LG Ingrid und Hans
  • Adele D. Oliver 17/07/2013 19:37

    a youngster like most other little boys - full of life and with an expectant expression on his face ..... but a story much different than others.
    well photographed as always, and well narrated with understanding !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Tania Skaradek 17/07/2013 16:33

    Well when there is a reliable arm ... to fall back upon if needed ... which will help to go up if has fallen:-)
  • Janet Morgan 17/07/2013 10:55

    Another great capture, Glenn...the boy has a beautiful little face which will become harder no doubt as he learns how to survive in his environment of poverty and a world where outsiders are to be taken advantage of.
  • s. sabine krause 17/07/2013 10:15

    a happy grin into the stranger's camera that's just as new and exciting to him as everything else… a face radiating so much openness that one yearns to stop time forever to preserve the feeling for him and us – this universal moment of "come what will! not a care in the world, as i hold her hand and she holds mine"! ; ) beautifully captured, as all the images of the series glenn! great, how you show us as many facets of their life as possible! greetings, sabine.


Carpeta Gypsy Camp
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