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A Walk in The Woods - Impressions

A Walk in The Woods - Impressions

3.003 4

Susana Miguel

Premium (Pro), Zaragoza

A Walk in The Woods - Impressions

Norbert, my host at Fasganeoin Country House recommended sights to see, such as the Blair Atholl Watermill or looking for a view point in the hills next to Blair Atholl castle, to get a nice view on in.
Unfortunately, I did not find the view point, but I had a very pleasant walk uphill in the woods around the castle: enclosed herewith a few impressions of this excercise.

In plain recolecting season of wild raspberries, I took advantage of finding quite a few and had them as a little snack while going up and coming down... hmmmm, so sweet they were....

Aug. 17th – 26th, On my way around Scotland

Thanks to all for Exploring with me, visiting my photos and commenting on them (please be aware that criticism is always more than welcome!).
I will try to reply or else (re)visit your works of art, as well, to find more inspiration.

Comentarios 4

  • Ernst Erdle 05/10/2013 12:23

    viele tolle eindrücke auf engem raum zusammengefasst - klasse!
    lg ernst
  • Adele D. Oliver 04/10/2013 20:52

    your beautifully arranged collage gives a great impression of the things you saw and experienced .... a lovely countryside, such serenity and yes, I do love those raspberries !!!
    hugs, Adele
  • s. sabine krause 04/10/2013 9:06

    raspberries – always appealing to the senses full force! ; ) needless to say, they are my favorite detail in this collage! plus, i like how you captured them in the aluminum bag (nice red reflections) – each a fragrant and potentially tasty berry, a taste-bud delight ; ), and a pleasant memory! a collage that makes one want to travel to the place and see for himself… hugs, sabine.
  • Reinhardt II 04/10/2013 8:56

    Feine Collage ****
    LG Reinhardt