Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

After-Life in Punta Arenas

the cemetery in Punta Arenas where a number of very ornate mausoleums speak of a rich past of this city and the country ....

Punta Arenas, is the capital city of Chile's southernmost region, Magallanes and Antartica Chilena. It is the largest city south of the 46th parallel. Punta Arenas was originally established by the Chilean government in 1848 as a tiny penal colony. During the remainder of the 1800s, Punta Arenas grew in size and importance due to the increasing maritime traffic and trade traveling to the west coasts of South and North America. This period of growth also resulted from the waves of European immigrants, mainly from Croatia and Russia attracted to the gold rush and sheep farming boom in the 1880s and early 1900s.

Comentarios 29

  • Conny11 24/06/2017 23:22

    Großartig .. das hast du toll fotografiert.
    Ich habe mal deine Fotos angesehen, die du während meinem Urlaub hochgeladen hast.. ich bin begeistert und gratuliere dir..
    LG von mir, hab ein schönes WE Conny
  • Charly Charity 06/06/2017 19:07

    Was für ein beeindruckender Friedhof!
    Monumental ... wow!
    lg dagmar
  • chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 05/06/2017 22:23

    Molto bella ! Ciao
  • forgotten Angel 03/06/2017 23:49

    And here you have a whole house!
    Very impressive !!
    Many greetings from Thomas
  • mohane 02/06/2017 18:55

    beau noir et blanc
  • Markus 4 02/06/2017 9:14

    Das erinnert mich ein wenig an die Grabdenkmaeler auf dem Koelner Melaten-Friedhof

  • Emilio Sirletti 02/06/2017 7:07

    Also from us there are chapels as these in the cemeteries.
    They are chapels of old families or people that also after the death he/she wants to show her wealth.
    Hugs, Emilio
  • norma ateca 02/06/2017 1:12

    Excellent very old cementery ! Greetings Norma
  • Mauro Tomassetti 01/06/2017 23:57

    Beautiful tonal range and excellent picture!
    Hugs Mauro
  • Dream30 01/06/2017 23:10

    ils sont superbes ces tombeaux ! Bises
  • Carlo.Pollaci 01/06/2017 22:58

    Very interesting incursion into a rather unpleasant place. Congratulations, you were able to communicate your emotions.
  • Andreas Boeckh 01/06/2017 22:18

    It seems to me that the cementery is far more luxurious then the rest if the town.
    Best regards
  • Manu T. 01/06/2017 19:38

    Sehr schön hast du diese Ruhestätten festgehalten, klasse Tonung auch.
  • J Oscar Sierra Echo 01/06/2017 18:16

    Best example of cultural diversity.
    Very good document, e.g. picture.
  • Josiane FERRET 01/06/2017 18:01

    de véritables monuments, il faut avoir les moyens pour pouvoir se faire faire ça,
    amitiés, Josiane


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Distancia focal 6.1 mm
ISO 160

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