1.601 12

Helga Eiríksdóttir

Free Account, Reykjavík

Comentarios 12

  • Alper Tecer 08/07/2006 3:47

    Nice contrast of drops and leaves.
  • Andy Si. 17/01/2006 17:46

    Really beautiful. Nice work!
  • Mark Johnston 04/10/2005 5:11

    Great shot.
  • Kerstin Langenberger 02/10/2005 12:10

    ég tek líka þátt með myndina nr. 95, bara af þú veist af því ;-)
  • Helga Eiríksdóttir 02/10/2005 5:21

    Takk fyrir það, manni veitir ekki af hjálpinni ;-)
  • Kerstin Langenberger 02/10/2005 2:20

    Gangi þér vel í ljósmyndakeppninni á ljósmyndari.is!
    Er auðvitað búin að kjósa fyrir þig og myndina!
    kv. Kerstin
  • Chris St.-V. 30/09/2005 20:27

    I like it very much in b/w, although the motif could also be captured in colour. So it is much more extraordinary!
  • Allan Thompson 28/09/2005 22:28

    Beautiful in black and white . I have a photo with a similiar title because it was taken just after a real rain shower. The water is like a lady with wearing jewels !
  • Richard J Hanley 28/09/2005 9:38

    Very Nice ! This Works Surprisingly well Being B&W.
  • Jeremy B 28/09/2005 3:32

    Very nice shot Helga. I like the soft tones on the leaves, and the high contrast in the water droplets. Well done!
  • Helga Eiríksdóttir 28/09/2005 1:58

    Thank you for your comments, they are very appreciated :) originally it was in color but I thought the raindrops came better out in B/W, the silver drops made more contrast with the dark background.
  • Jaime Crystal Attenborough 28/09/2005 1:37

    what a great shot helga, love the silver tone in the raindrops, and i think that maybee if it was in colour would of been more attractive, but still B&W is good.
    lovely detail on the drops.
    jaime :)