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Comentarios 3

  • John Davis 02/09/2005 5:06

    Perhaps if you turned the model to one side, had a darker background that did not resemble a bed spread this would have worked. The sheet effect is hard. The flow does not look very natural. Keep shooting though. I am also working on shots like this though none published here yet. Just remember that with nudes with hidden parts simple is best. Also I think youd benefiet from a low set light and not having overhead light at all. That would really highlight the nice curve of her hip. Here she looks almost squared. Your other shot Beatuy Sadness is lovely just needs a bit better frame. From my stand point id say there is potential there.
  • Josep A. Collado 06/08/2005 11:02

    I would say it in another way:
    This photo seems a snapshot without any intention. In this sense it is poor.
    You have a beautiful body for showing (even though you hide some part).
    Only thinking a little the photo before making it (the pose, the framing, etc,) certainly you would obtain much better results .
    Josep Antoni
  • Mohamed Hilmy 06/08/2005 7:07

    you have hidden too much. there is nothing important to see,