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Amber Light - Gelbes Licht

Amber Light - Gelbes Licht

1.871 11


Premium (World), München

Amber Light - Gelbes Licht

Manual focus on raindrops on plane window with airport lights in the background. I welcome your suggestions and criticism.

Manuelle Fokussierung auf Regentropfen auf dem Flugzeugglas mit Lichter im Hintergrund. Ich freue mich auf Euer Feedback.

Another experiment/ein anderes Experiment:

Travel Reading - Reiselektüre
Travel Reading - Reiselektüre

I got the idea here/hier bin ich auf die Idee gekommen:
Garish light - grelles Licht
Garish light - grelles Licht

Comentarios 11

  • KasiaDesign 08/03/2007 13:05

    @danke allerseits, es freut mich sehr, dass dieses Lichtspiel Euch gefaellt.
    @thanks everyone, I´m pleased you like this playing with light.
  • Jacky Kobelt 07/03/2007 21:39

    I like it as well.....

    lovely pic !
  • Joas Kotzsch 05/03/2007 22:53


  • MWPhoto 01/03/2007 15:19

    oddly compelling image ...
    I like it
  • Jim McKinniss 01/03/2007 1:28

    You know I like this. It is very creative.

    I would like it even more without the bright yellow circles because they overpower the rest of the image.

    I think that the nebulous BG objects combine with the brown and terrific light to create a terrific abstract without the circles.

    For example, scroll the image veritcally so that only the top portion above the circles is visible.
  • Reinhold Bauer 01/03/2007 0:56

    eine ganz interessante serie. was so alles möglich ist mit einem kreativen geistesblitz.
    klasse !!
    lg reinhold
  • Michael Henderson 01/03/2007 0:27

    Very different. I have tryed to figure out the lights of a runway or airport, Good Abstact, you have reflected it in a way new to me. Well done.

  • Maguire 01/03/2007 0:15

    Painting with light is what its all about and to see gems of beauty in something as common as raindrops just creates magic. Stunning image.
  • Manuel Gloger 28/02/2007 23:11

    Die hohe Kunst eine Situation stimmungsvoll in einem Bild festzuhalten. Ich bin restlos begeistert.
    LG Manuel
  • DoroS 28/02/2007 23:07

    Ein interessantes Bild , die Umgebung der gelben Tropfen gefällt mir besonders, sieht aus wie gefalteter Stoff.
    LG Doro
  • Robyn Raggio 28/02/2007 21:57

    Wonderful abstract. Ethereal, graphic, textural and rich.