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Analog Flowers #2 (reloaded)

Analog Flowers #2 (reloaded)

823 4

Berthold Klammer

Premium (World), near Aachen

Analog Flowers #2 (reloaded)

see #1

Comentarios 4

  • Adele D. Oliver 19/12/2014 22:28

    yes - great .... and I like the unfocused look and
    desaturated colours here - and the feeling of
    nostalgia !!
    greetings, Adele
  • Dragomir Vukovic 19/12/2014 22:25

    fine and beautiful !
  • s. sabine krause 19/12/2014 15:38

    a maelstrom of petals leading into the abyssmal core of the rose… i'm letting my eyes get lost, riding the rim of the vortex: deeper and deeper into into the rose… it's an adventure without end… into the rose into the rose into the rose into the rose! ; ) greetings, sabine. p.s.: my first thought when spotting the preview was "vaguely reminiscent of smoke rings…"
  • Carlos García Jiménez 19/12/2014 14:59

    Hallo Berthold

    Nice dove off over a rose, this one is particulary doing this you obligue the observer to figure out how was the originial color and texture.., our brain works like that..somewhat you are promoting the thinking..



Carpeta Nature
Vistas 823


Cámara NIKON D300
Objetivo AF-S Micro Nikkor 60mm f/2.8G ED
Diafragma 5
Tiempo de exposición 1/500
Distancia focal 60.0 mm
ISO 1600