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Armut und poverty in Germany.............Briefkasten von Hartz IV-Survivor

Armut und poverty in Germany.............Briefkasten von Hartz IV-Survivor

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Armut und poverty in Germany.............Briefkasten von Hartz IV-Survivor


During a recent short visit inkognito to Germany I met my friend Zoran from former Yugoslavia, der wo lebt von Hartz IV.
Unfortunately leider es gibt noch kein 5 Euro plus per month nicht.
In order to survive on holy Christmas und zu braten ein chicken he sold his letter box at Ebay for 2,50 Euro only.
Now he uses this plastic bag als briefkasten, marke Zoran.
Unfortunately the postman he makes difficulties weil this new letter box es nicht ist water proof und sturm geprobt;-(.

May God help Zoran and save Germany!

Hartz IV villa inclusive balcony nach OBI-plan und letter box at left side, all self made by Zoran
Hartz IV villa inclusive balcony nach OBI-plan und letter box at left side, all self made by Zoran
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Front view of Hartz IV villa model Zoran, tree top house attached
Front view of Hartz IV villa model Zoran, tree top house attached
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