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Auf dem Altstadtfest in Steinheim (Farbanaglyphe rot/cyan)

Auf dem Altstadtfest in Steinheim (Farbanaglyphe rot/cyan)

976 7

Jürgen Loos

Premium (Pro), Hanau

Auf dem Altstadtfest in Steinheim (Farbanaglyphe rot/cyan)

Gespannfoto mit 2 Canon EOS 350D Stereobasis 120mm
Zeit 1/15 sec Blende 3,5 Brennweite 18 mm ISO 1600 !

Comentarios 7

  • Andi-3D 25/06/2010 23:33

    klasse bild
  • Rudolf G. 25/06/2010 22:42

    Tolle Lichtstimmung!
    LG Rudolf
  • Jürgen Loos 25/06/2010 17:53

    I did not use any Filters

    In the SPM Stereomode I used "Halbton"
    is it half color ?

  • Serge Côté 25/06/2010 16:44

    The is one of the few 3D in the dark I like ! Normally I really hate that kind of 3D ! What I hate the most in that kind of picture is the White Balance WB ! For a natural look, the temperature of the white colour is really something of hard to obtain ! Most of the time the white is too yellow, to brown or to blue to look natural. My idea is that a white colour should look white to be natural and then by the way the other colours look more naturals to. Did you used 2 coloured filters (stereo)r for this one ?

  • open eye 25/06/2010 15:21

    _ super _
  • † Richard. H Fischer 25/06/2010 11:17

    Gemütliche Scene. Lieben Gruß, Richard
  • Klaus Kieslich 25/06/2010 10:54

    Prima Ana
    Gruß Klaus