2.756 12

Sally Dunn

Free Account, Plymouth, Devon

Autumn leaves

A perfect Autumn day, bright sunshine and crunchy Autumn leaves to walk on.

Comentarios 12

  • Jutta Ploessner 19/12/2011 4:58

    Hi, Sally! I can hear it crunching under my feet as I walk along with you ...
    Hope Boston came back?
    Hugs, Jutta in Edgewood, B.C. :-)
  • Sepideh Q. 18/11/2011 19:21

    Wonderful autumnal road, a very nice one to walk :)
    I like the mood very much.
    Well-done dear Sally.

    Wish you a really nice week-end.
  • Vera M. Shulga 11/11/2011 19:35

    only in autumn sunny day it is possible to walk by path with yellow-brown leaves...
  • Fons van Swaal 10/11/2011 11:07

    Is this the private path you didn't walk on....?
    Walk slow and careful the crunchy leafs will notify the owner someone is walking their.!!!!
    Just kidding .....;-))))
    Nice place to walk around Sally..
    Best regards,
  • Canan Oner 09/11/2011 14:08

    Allways difficult to make a shot against light..:-))
    A nice path to walk on a nice autumn day Sally...Thanks for sharing...
    Much hugs,
  • Perry Blevins 09/11/2011 13:12

    Good perspective with the little path leading you through the autumn setting. Nice work Sally.
  • Werner R. Albert 09/11/2011 12:32

    A beautiful fall impression.
    Well done, Sally !
    many hugs
  • s. sabine krause 09/11/2011 9:17

    a refreshingly "unpimped" picture, sally! i like like the natural looks! it's what we see these days in the forests, if by chance we succeed in finding a pretty path like this one! and it's what little red riding hood probably saw the second she was waylaid by the lecherous big bad wolf… ; )) hugs, sabine. p.s.: i like all those little "patches" of sunlight on the crunchy leaves – stepping stones leading into the primeval forest, marking the way to poor antipasti grandma, if you know what i mean… ; )))
  • Jürg Scherrer 09/11/2011 0:38

    Nice picture, Sally - excellent expression of the autumn. Fine path for relaxing.
    Cheers - Jürg
  • BRYAN CRUTE 08/11/2011 22:42

    Good lead in to the picture I feel Dirk is a little blunt but I understand what he is trying to say about editing .
    A difficult one, how far do you take it ? a natural as it was picture or a totally over edited saturated picture.
    Im only an amateur so dont have the final answer sorry !!


  • Adele D. Oliver 08/11/2011 22:34

    Fine from this perspective where the eye follows the path to the end ... can imagine the crunchy leaves and the bright sun ... lovely shot and mood, Sally !!!
    hugs, Adele
  • Dirk Wassiloff 08/11/2011 22:04

    Hi Sally,

    the picture could be a bit more colorfull and should have more contrast. It seems you let the camera do your work. Everything is in auto mode even the flash was fired what was not neccesary in this situation. Try to learn to handle your cam - it's not that hard.



Vistas 2.756


Cámara FinePix Z70
Objetivo ---
Diafragma 4
Tiempo de exposición 1/30
Distancia focal 6.6 mm
ISO 200