3.120 4

Moricka Hakapeszik

Free Account, Budapest

Comentarios 4

  • CsomorLászló 16/05/2007 11:18

  • Vesela Maleeva 13/01/2007 23:29

    Beautiful work.
    Greetings, Ves.
  • Ulrich Joho 26/11/2006 12:50

    I remember the Frank Sinatra-song "In the autumn of my years" - very melancholy. Same I think about Your photo: very melancholy and very true. An I find here, what Eliott erwitt says: "The essence of an occurence, that's important."
    Regards from Ulrich
  • Ozlem Onal 19/11/2006 21:57

    to say "excellent" is not enough... thank you for tihs photo