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Premium (World), Palermo


Sicily, Palermo, Popular market Ballaro' - September 7, 2023

Texts and photos on the ancient markets of Palermo can be found in the book:
"Umberto Balistreri and Carlo Pollaci - The markets of the historic center of Palermo - Ed. I.S.S.P.E., 2008"

Testi e foto sugli antichi mercati di Palermo si trovano nel libro:
"Umberto Balistreri e Carlo Pollaci - I mercati del Centro Storico di Palermo - Ed. I.S.S.P.E., 2008"

The e-book can be consulted and downloaded for free at the link::
Il libro, in formato e-book, è consultabile e scaricabile gratuitamente al link:

Comentarios 1

  • Adele D. Oliver 15/09/2023 4:43

    it looks like he spotted you .... a great and
    typical scene from the market !!!
    warm regards,