Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Bari - walking through history

if it were not for modern cars, signs and the inevitable cellphone users … the old narrow streets of Bari were fascinating ..

Bari is the capital city of the Metropolitan City of Bari and of the Apulia region, on the Adriatic Sea, in southern Italy. It is the second most important economic centre of mainland Southern Italy after Naples, a port and university city, as well as the city of Saint Nicholas. The city itself has a population of 320,257 inhabitants .

Comentarios 23

  • SINA 01/12/2019 6:02

    Ein wundervolles Foto wieder liebe Adele in dieser stimmungsvollen Kulisse 
    Ich mag es sehr 

    Hab herzliche Grüße von mir für einen schönen ersten Advent 

  • Globetrotterin 30/11/2019 23:30

    Great picture, I love the atmosphere:)
     LG Ute
  • Torsten TBüttner 30/11/2019 19:10

    sehr interessante architektonische Deta
  • Carlo.Pollaci 30/11/2019 18:50

    Magnificent incursion into the old city of Bari.
  • hans-jakob 30/11/2019 18:29

    Schöne Aufnahme!
    LG hans-jakob
  • Axel Sand 30/11/2019 18:11

    It´s typically Italy and you´ve made a wonderfull picture.
    Warm regards
  • Vitória Castelo Santos 30/11/2019 17:53

    I saw Bari when I was with my car in Greece many years ago:-)
    Nice WE
    • Adele D. Oliver 30/11/2019 19:50

      thank you, Vitoria … did you take the ferry from Greece to Italy ??
    • Vitória Castelo Santos 30/11/2019 20:23

      Yes to see the Corinto Canal:-)))
    • Adele D. Oliver 02/12/2019 2:32

      I suspect some confusion here …. there is no ferry going through the Corinth canal, only cruiseships or sailboats ….Bari is in Italy, not Greece, and one usually takes the ferry from Patras (Greece) to Brindisi (Italy), not via the Corinth Canal  - have done all that by land and water including the canal :-)))
    • Vitória Castelo Santos 02/12/2019 22:56

      To see the Corinh canal from the boat....I make the travel with my WV kafer.In 1972 I went and came with my car in a ferry because I was affraid of airplanes.Now in ours days I don`t know how is the travel. In 1972 there were not cruiseships like now:-)))...and Bari was a miserable city of the south Italy.
  • MICHAEL stüben 30/11/2019 12:27

    Der marode Charme des Südens...

    wieso eigentlich Charme...
    und doch marode...?
    Schliesst sich wohl nicht aus

  • J Oscar Sierra Echo 30/11/2019 11:50

    Like Bari and surrounds very much, great memories brought by your picture. Thanks for it.
    Enjoy weekend.
  • Elvina Benoist-Audiau 30/11/2019 11:42

    Great contrast - modern life where the past still remains - Good shot - hugs, Elvi
  • Jifasch32 30/11/2019 11:26

    Une vue très réussie qui montre bien un aspect particulier.  Bravo et amitiés
  • Christian Villain 30/11/2019 10:07

    Je me souviens de cette ville qui ne me semblait pas entretenue . On dirait que ça n'a pas changé ;
    Excellent angle de prise de vue sur ces scènes de notre temps ;
  • tinchen49 30/11/2019 8:57

    man könnte annehmen, das Interesse an Kultur sei etwas verloren gegangen. Deine wunderschöne Aufnahme lässt diese Vermutung ein bisschen wahr werden.
    lg tinchen
  • claudine capello 30/11/2019 8:55

    interessante street piena di contrasti  di vita di prima e di adesso ..;complimenti cl
  • norma ateca 30/11/2019 7:58

    Meravigliosa  cara Adele mi piace moltissimo   baci Norma


Carpeta Italy
Vistas 30.358


Cámara Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objetivo 4.3 - 215.0 mm
Diafragma 4
Tiempo de exposición 1/250
Distancia focal 5.2 mm
ISO 200

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