Between Dream and Reality
Moonshine Night - Kirkjufell - Iceland
"Between Dream and Reality" - this is how I felt while I was looking for a good compo down the waterfall. I decided to work with a more blue white balance, the really bring out the message of this shot - icy, dreamy, cold and mystical. Working in moonlight is amazing and very special. For the main exposure I used a shutter speed of more than 3 minutes at f5.6 and ISO800. The biggest problem here was spray from the falling water. Even when the waterfall looks very small in this wide-angle photo, you can imagine the spraying water when looking at the bizarre structures in the foreground, mainly formed by spray.
With wild waving I then somehow managed to keep the lens reasonably dry for more than three minutes :-)
Bewegung 12/12/2014 23:42
Super-Aufnahme - klasse Perspektive, sehr schöner Bildschnitt!JX 17/02/2014 19:02
Eine absolute Postkarten-Idylle ... excellente Aufnahme.Reinhard Wagener 13/02/2014 22:16
Finde ich sehr gelungen. Ungewöhnliche Ansicht des Kirkjufell mit guter Komposition.Gruß, Reinhard
theo-bad 13/02/2014 10:39
Klasse Arbeit.VG
Lang Heinz 13/02/2014 9:38
Ein Traum von einem Bild -Ab zu fen FavosFodan 12/02/2014 22:05
Sehr schönes Bilde.Jens Sittel 12/02/2014 21:51
starke Langzeitbelichtung und sehr guter Bildaufbauist schon erstaunlich was man aus so einen Rest Licht noch rausholen kann - gefällt mir
gruß jens