2.197 5

Manfred Jochum

Premium (Pro), Rheinhessen

Big Lassi

In Delhi

Comentarios 5

  • Heidi Roloff 23/04/2016 13:31

    Zu dem Foto habe ich erheblich mehr Vertrauen als zu den Produkten. Das mag übervorsichtig sein, aber sicher ist sicher und wir sind damit bisher gut gefahren.
  • Adele D. Oliver 21/04/2016 23:40

    a great street capture - and inviting for me .... have never seen so many types of lassi on order !!!! being mostly yogurt with all those great pro biotics a lassi should be good for you and kill whatever is already in the system :-)) I have a mango lassi (3.50 $) every Tuesday meeting friends after class - and every time we go out for Indian food ....
    cheers, Adele
  • W. Franke 21/04/2016 20:24

    Sieht j nicht so übel aus, aber ich denke auch, dass einem Touristen davon übel wird. :)
    LG aus SA

  • Manfred Jochum 21/04/2016 14:48

    Leo - I love lassi, especially fresh Mango lassi - but at no time ever would I consider buying such kind of food on the streets in India (and in many other countries as well)...
  • Der Zacki 21/04/2016 12:54

    was Lassimasse :-)