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Comentarios 3

  • Andreas Haupt 02/12/2006 22:03

    I like the mood the picture transports but I don't like the arrangement of objects. It is often boring if you have the horizon at 1/2 of the pic's height. Better you choose 1/3 or 2/3. It is not good that the bridge interferes with the horizon & the wood in the background, because it is dazzling.
    Hope this is going to help you.
  • Michal Dytrych 25/11/2006 22:18

    yes, really interesting colors...I like the point of view....
    and thanx for your kind comment to my pic -
    Katerina Zumrová

    regards, Katerina
  • Kenny Jazz 23/11/2006 13:23

    I never seen Bosphorus with this kind of colors. I presume red tones is a favourite in author collection conserning development of pictures. Is this picture been made from the vapour ?