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Bravest of the Brave...

Bravest of the Brave...

2.381 21

Wayne Tsipouras

Premium (World), N.S.W.

Bravest of the Brave...

... A title never bestowed lightly.
Only once In Australia, Yet it is no General, or winner of some great battle, who is known such,
But to a Private soldier; John Simpson Kirkpatrick 1st AIF, 3rd Field Ambulance. A Medic, who served only 25 days in Combat, Never taking a life, or fired a weapon in anger. Yet saving hundreds of wounded, transporting each back from the fighting on his donkey to medical care. Before returning again for more.
It is almost 94 Years since he was killed in action, he was the least of us, Yet by far the greatest.

Bahadur! ~Bravest of the Brave~

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