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brompt-r-harrods8   __WINTER SALE___

brompt-r-harrods8 __WINTER SALE___

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brompt-r-harrods8 __WINTER SALE___

SALE DAYS The Happiest Days Of Our Lives.
Brompton Road - Winter sales at Harrods

Comentarios 7

  • lucy franco 09/01/2024 22:07

    E' vero l' appunto sulla fantascienza dell' amico @Ansgar Leuthner  , quel tono freddo dell' azzurro così lucido.
    • ann mari cris aschieri 10/01/2024 0:34

      Come l'azzuro lucido di "Abissi d'acciaio", capolavoro di Asimov.
      L'amico Ansgar non parla mai a sproposito, ha solo una cultura "spropositata" nell'accezione di smisurata, E' uno dei miei maestri.
      Grazie Lucy. :))
      Traduco per lui perchè non mi fido di Google:
      The cool shining blue of "Steel Abyss", one of Asimov's masterpieces.My friend Ansgar never speaks without reason, he just has an immense culture, he is one of my masters.
    • lucy franco 10/01/2024 1:32

      Adoro Asimov
  • Carlo.Pollaci 09/01/2024 19:37

    Eh si! Le tue foto ci trasportano in una Londra direi onirica, che pensiamo (probabilmente a torto) di conoscere bene.
    • ann mari cris aschieri 10/01/2024 0:50

      Metto un po' a frutto la mia tour guide licence :))
      Credo che nessuno riesca a conoscere fino in fondo una città come Londra, così immensa e in continua crescita, coinvolta in un cambiamento che la proietta verso  un futuro per l'appunto " fantascientifico "...
      Grazie sempre ,Carlo, che mi onori della tua attenzione con un dialogo diretto.
      Lo apprezzo moltissimo.
      CIAo! P&L
  • Ansgar Leuthner 09/01/2024 10:36

    a really fine photo - but the blocks reminds me on corona-times...and the few men looks not very happy, for the "Happiest Days.." ...I  see an empty road and an empty (?) Harrods, in blue and at night... looks like a still from a science-fiction-movie, a little dangerous..Ciao, dear friend, buona giornata! Love, Ansgar
    • ann mari cris aschieri 09/01/2024 11:19

      Hi, dear Brother, happy to read you again.
      Your consideration came promptly, thanks
      Indeed, the difference between day and night in London is significant, like Venice, that at 7pm feels like another city... 
      No, it is not Covid's time. It must be pointed out that the stock closing time is 7 p.m. (English have earlier dinner time compared to us ), and on Sundays they even close their doors at 6 p.m.
      But this picture is mostly a pretext to me to underline what happens in Italy istead, where people spend the night outside shops they want to buy to be the first to enter. Yesterday, 26,000 were counted outside a single shop.... Crazy stuff told on breaking news... :))
      Kiss and Peace & Love for all of us,  CIAo!