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Taken for Rob who is 21 Y/O AGAIN today !! ( and NO, its not a bullfinch rofl) Hope this cools you down, have a great day honey.
Lynn xxx

Comentarios 6

  • BRYAN CRUTE 05/01/2009 11:42

    Lovely winters scene , well captured

  • Flighty Furrow 05/01/2009 9:53

    Thats what the cold is all about it turns nature into whites...congrats great photo.
  • Werner R. Albert 05/01/2009 9:31

    Frozen reeds in the mist, well captured.
    Here it´s snowing at the moment and cold too.
    best wishes
  • Deryck 05/01/2009 8:35

    Great picture, but too cold for me :-)) Give me summer anytime.
    Excellent lines and sharpness Lynn. This is great!
  • John Johnstone 04/01/2009 20:55

    Beautiful ! i can feel the cold just by looking at this picture! will be added by me as a fav !
  • Luc Grollie 04/01/2009 20:36

    very crisp details in the reeds Lynn, this is great picture weather !!!!!