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Brücke zum Rathaus

Brücke zum Rathaus

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Brücke zum Rathaus

Aufnahme für ein anaglyph Bild, aufgenommen mit der Kodak DC3400, Feinheiten bearbeitet in Photoshop, anglyph erstellt in Create3D

Comentarios 1

  • Serge Côté 07/12/2007 2:22

    Not enough of depth (because the distance between the left and the right shots is too thin)

    The stereo base distance is the distance between the left and the right shots. This distance should not be the same for all distances between the camera and the subject. It's better to avoid having an object near of the camera lens when you are doing a stereo photograph as this could change the datas.

    A very explicit tutorial for stereos taken with one camera:

    Also, the use of stereo picture alignment software is usefull.

    Try StereoPhotoMaker (free) German version available here:

    You can let the stereophotomaker software do the alignment for you with auto alignment. "READ THE TUTORIAL" on the stereophotomaker web site as this could help a lot to masterise the software.

    A well aligned stereo picture could give very good results.

    Hope this help, and welcome to the stereo section.
