Buenos Aires - Through My Eyes
W I N D O W S (3)
... and a lamp of which a saw quite a few in the La Boca neighbourhood.
Best wishes for a beautiful day .... and thank you for your comments!
Claudio Morselli 30/03/2010 11:47
Un' immagine molto curata sia nell' inquadratura che negl' ottimi colori.Sergio Pessolano 29/03/2010 14:19
Very refined composition!Rosa Phil-Li 28/03/2010 9:13
brilliant series !Joëlle Millet 27/03/2010 23:02
L'art d'améliorer son habitat . Très gai . Amitiés . JoëlleEmir Hadzidervisagic Roki 27/03/2010 18:40
Questi colori dela finestra avranno speciali d'signifacti davvero! Belissime caratteristice! Tanti complimenti cara Amica, un caro abbraccio e buona serata...Emir† Ernst Hobscheidt 27/03/2010 1:07
auch super gut ist dieses Motiv.Gruß
DRAGA PUC 26/03/2010 19:13
thanks for the presentation!rd
Claudio Micheli 26/03/2010 13:17
It's very beautiful!Ciao
groc 26/03/2010 4:50
Nice, very nice shot!Cheers.
Inez Correia Marques 26/03/2010 1:31
Charmong...absolutly charming.What a beautiful series my friend
Zenonas 25/03/2010 23:27
Very nice! Great light, colours and comp!regards
Anca Silvia B. 25/03/2010 22:59
farbenfroh ...mag ich sehr,Adele...lg ancaFons van Swaal 25/03/2010 22:01
WONDERFUL...........................!!!!Die Mohnblumen 25/03/2010 20:32
Klasse Farben hast Du mit diesem Motiv festgehalten!Grüße Heike
CsomorLászló 25/03/2010 20:25
Tha poeople there like the colors-I think-:))bw