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Can you hear the wind?

Can you hear the wind?

29.516 14

Chris Herselman

Free Account, Cape Town, South Africa

Can you hear the wind?

On a wind swept day, Macassar dunes, Western Cape, South Africa

Comentarios 14

  • Helmut Lenze 25/06/2019 5:49

    Schönes Spiel mit Licht und Schatten!
  • gerti w. 06/02/2018 23:33

    Licht und Schatten, Bewegung und eine tolle Farbharmonie.....klasse Bild!
    LG nach Süd-Afrika,Gerti
  • Isi19 23/10/2017 10:52

    Very good composed with round lines:Sand,grass,shadow.Top!LG Ingrid What language do you prefer:English or German??I am German.but in Namibia we speak English Afrikaans and German.
    • Chris Herselman 23/10/2017 21:08

      Hello Ingrid. Thank you for your kind remarks! Well, you can write in any of those languages. I do not write German that well... and it takes a bit of time to do that. My home language is Afrikaans. And Namibia is one of my favourite countries!
  • GaiasChosenOne 21/09/2017 12:18

    Nope. But I can see it. Great dynamic capture! :)
  • Sonja Grünbauer 21/09/2017 0:00

    ggeeee this is amazing Chris. It looks almost like a mirror image. Was that on the same day when we went to the pavilion at Macassar? You know the new beach is open at Melkbaai. Long walk but great. Greets Sonja
    • Chris Herselman 22/09/2017 21:33

      Yes it was Sonja. It is one image with a little distortion added, a Gimp filter called "Whirl and Pinch". Glad you like it! Perhaps we should go for a walk on the new beach!
    • Sonja Grünbauer 22/09/2017 23:56

      as soon its getting warmer we should go....but not at high tide....need to cross water way...after the 30th or so, would look really forward to it
  • † BlauerKlausi 19/09/2017 21:16

    Wenn ihr wüsstet, hab gerade gemerkt, dass ich Fantasie habe und dass sie mit mir durchgegangen ist;-))))
    Jugendfrei ist anders!
    Ha, ha, ha ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    Abgesehen davon:
    Klasse Foto.
    Gruß Blauerklausi
    • Chris Herselman 19/09/2017 21:41

      I think I know what you found so funny! And glad you enjoy the pic. Best regards, Chris
  • B. Anton Werner 19/09/2017 2:52

    Plan und Wirkung sind stimmig.
    Das liegt wohl an der akkuraten Machart.
  • bachmann ingrid 19/09/2017 0:26

    Einfach toll, wie du die Bewegung im Bild dargestellt hast. Man spürt den Wind richtig, der die Dünen so toll wellenförmig formt und die Haare(das Gras sieht so aus).
    LG Mumimutti
    • Chris Herselman 19/09/2017 21:34

      Thank you for your positive comments Mumimutti! (and keep on writing in German please, I do understand but am not good at writing the language!)