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Carol digging out her car

Carol digging out her car

2.505 7

anthony ryan

Free Account, Bolton

Comentarios 7

  • Pascal Viyer 13/01/2010 5:04

    grrr !
  • Véronique Soulier 08/01/2010 16:21

    ;-)))) Morning sport
    youo have much more snow than us these days.. no more snow flakes for the mountains... you have kept all of them ! greetings and I hope you enjoy it in some way ! Véronique
  • Ilidio Fernandes 07/01/2010 0:20

    Excellent capture , had the same here today but not that much snow.
  • Art X 06/01/2010 22:05

    like a true photographer you seized the moment. nice one anthony
  • Sally Dunn 06/01/2010 16:02

    Oh poor, poor Carol! I feel very sorry for her, it is very pretty to look at but can very quickly become a terrible nuisance! I hope she managed to get to the shops and get provisions!
  • Inez Correia Marques 06/01/2010 14:26

    I think she want you to help
    What a disaster !

    Lovely shot my friend