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Comentarios 25

  • green green 27/02/2004 0:40

    Das findsch gut.
  • Mya L 18/01/2003 21:35

    Also irgendein holziger Gott, sach ich doch.
  • Calis Ben Ulke 17/01/2003 14:53

    Oh, interessantes Thema. ;)
  • Mike Wefers 17/01/2003 1:08

  • Calis Ben Ulke 17/01/2003 0:08

    Reimen trotz Keimen?
  • Mya L 16/01/2003 23:13

    Trau, schau, wem, Herwig.
  • Mike Wefers 16/01/2003 23:06

    Wie Herwig....kannst etwa kein Hebräisch?
  • † Carina Meyer-Broicher 16/01/2003 23:05

    der Moloch: Sinnbild für das Unersättliche, eine alles verschlingende Macht, eine Macht, die immer neue Opfer fordert
  • Mya L 16/01/2003 23:02

    Jut, mein Herr und Meister isset ja nich.
  • Mya L 16/01/2003 22:55

    Sag ich doch, ein komischer Gott eben.
  • † Carina Meyer-Broicher 16/01/2003 22:51

    Moloch (Hebrew) Royal, king -- another form of the more usual melech; an idol of the Moabites and the Ammonites, also called Milcom, to which Jews after the time of Solomon are said to have sacrificed infants. Some scholars suggest that the Hebrews looked upon Moloch as the title of Yahweh or Yihweh (Jehovah). Even when occurring in the Bible the rendering is "the Molech," and the idea is that of dedication -- "to make one's son or daughter pass through fire to (the) Molech" (2 King 23:10); and Jeremiah seems to indicate that immolation was practiced. Nothing of such a practice has been discovered in the ancient Assyrian or Babylonian empires, but ancient Greek writers have suggested that the Phoenicians had such a custom. Diodorus (19:14) mentions a Carthaginian idol made of brass into which children were placed, and compares it to the child-eating Kronos. Blavatsky suggests that the Moloch of the Ammonites was the King of the Hosts of Heaven, the sun (SD 1:397); and there was undoubtedly some such connection, yet antiquity has identified Kronos with the planet Saturn, which was held in reverence by all the ancient Shemitic peoples, the Jews included.
  • Mya L 16/01/2003 22:50

    rofllmaotsetung...Buffy kann alles!
  • Mya L 16/01/2003 22:50

    Das war doch so ein komischer Gott.
  • Martin Taube 16/01/2003 22:47

  • Mya L 16/01/2003 22:39

    Hahahahahahaa, ist ja auch kein anderes mehr hier jetzt.