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Castle ‘Manoir de Lébioles’ at Spa-Creppe (Belgium)

Castle ‘Manoir de Lébioles’ at Spa-Creppe (Belgium)

29.519 114 Galería

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Castle ‘Manoir de Lébioles’ at Spa-Creppe (Belgium)

This castle, situated quite far away from the busy world, is relatively young but a real architectonic pearl that was built between 1905 and 1910.
It is known as “the small Versailles of the Ardennes”(°)

The castle was given a substantial renovation in 2005 and it looks as though it was built only yesterday.

(°) the Ardennes : a low mountain range in the south of Belgium.

With just one click below, you can see the whole ‘Castles of Belgium’ series.

Castles of Belgium
carpeta Castles of Belgium

A big thanks to JURAFR for the nomination of this picture.

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Carpeta Castles of Belgium
Vistas 29.519


Galería (Viaje)
01/10/2015 75 Pro / 25 Contra

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