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Cat sitting on a pergola

Cat sitting on a pergola

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Cat sitting on a pergola

Night watch
Night watch

Comentarios 5

  • Stan Wooding (StanW) 11/11/2012 23:00

    How do they find these predicaments. Congratulations on seeing and capturing it.
  • Sanja Kosanovic 26/05/2011 16:59

    Ooops! :)

    Regards, S.
  • Tatjana Puc Kous 23/04/2011 0:21

    Great shot!
  • s. sabine krause 21/04/2011 17:52

    ooh!!! hold on tight, kim novak, and don't you ever let go!! – – just looking at the little daredevil of a kitten, so cleverly set off against the blue sky of the vast universe, gives me vertigo ; ))! love the one-eyed way in which she's looking down at us, throwing us a very peculiar, almost poetic glance – poe-tic, as in edgar allan poe i mean ; ))… greetings, sabine.
  • Schmidpeter Renate 21/04/2011 12:53

    I like this photo. It's excellent! And a very nice kitty.
    Have a nice time