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Caution - watch signs!

Caution - watch signs!

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Matthias Moritz

Community Manager, Hambergen

Caution - watch signs!

Alligator Alley in Summerdale, Alabama provides a home for alligators, which were caught in unnatural places like swimming pools or ponds or were found hurt.
Those animals have lost their natural fear of humans and therefore are considered dangerous to people or property.

Since opening this farm in 2004 about 200 alligators found their new home here. Most famous is "Captain Crunch", an 13 feet (4m), 800 lbs (360kg) alligator with a world record power bite of more than 2900 lbs (1300kg) !

March 2013, Summerdale, Alabama

Comentarios 4

  • Adele D. Oliver 05/04/2013 4:33

    an impressive monster - your capture sharp and detailed and making me wonder how close you got :-)))) .... a clear and present danger I would say !!!
    welcome back,
  • Klaus Kieslich 04/04/2013 13:43

    Das is ja ein Prachtexemplar
    Gruß Klaus
  • Maren Arndt 04/04/2013 12:14

    Der würde mir hier im Moor auch gefallen ;-)

  • s. sabine krause 04/04/2013 10:56

    : )))) hidden danger may be present? i don't think so!! hidden danger has come out of hiding and is definitely present now, striking a triumphant pose: "watch me, ha-ha! HERE I AM!" what bravado! what oomph!! greetings, sabine.