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Cicadas Invasion II

Cicadas Invasion II

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Premium (World), New Jersey

Cicadas Invasion II

Yes, they are here!!!
You can not miss them because of the loud screeching noice they make.

What has every state from Georgia to Maine on high alarm is the re-emergence of the 17-year cicada, technically known as Brood II. The red-eyed insects come out of the ground in their gazillions – but only when soil temperatures have reached about 17C – fly around a bit, make an unholy noise, copulate like rug rats and die, but not before their eggs have been laid to sink into the ground and start the whole process all over again.

They have become the equivalent of a plague of locusts, with all the same biblical connotations

Comentarios 5

  • JamSen 29/07/2013 5:42

    starke Aufnahme !!!!
    lg Werner
  • Steve Ember 06/07/2013 21:10

    Ah, you have captured them in all their gruesome glory!
  • claudine capello 22/06/2013 7:04

    ah è terribile !!!! e cosi si fa per lottare contro questa piaga?? la foto è stupenda ma molto impressionante ! complimenti cl
  • Manno San 13/06/2013 11:15

    Auch wenn sie unerträglich laut sind, sie haben etwas faszinierenden. Alleine der Lebenszyklus ist beachtenswert. Ich erinnere mich noch an schlaflose Nächte auf Kreta...
    Interessant sie so nah zu sehen.


Carpeta East Coast
Vistas 724


Cámara Canon PowerShot N
Objetivo 5.0-40.0 mm
Diafragma 3
Tiempo de exposición 1/400
Distancia focal 5.0 mm
ISO 80