CLOUDS Any landscape photographer who takes their photography seriously has to consider the sky. If the sky seems to be lacking in interest and appears to have the little character it may be better to wait until it does or possibly leave the sky out of the image altogether.
Saturday 28 March 2020
Adele D. Oliver 29/03/2020 21:33
a great capture of this marina and cityscape -and the sky and clouds special in this tonality !!!
warm regards and best wishes for your health ,
Constantin H. 28/03/2020 21:38
Ein herrlicher Wolkenhimmel, und eine faszinierende Bildgestaltung! Kind regards, ConstantinJOKIST 28/03/2020 21:17
Solche Fotomomente muss man wirklich festhalten und geniessen.Ingrid und Hans
cabrio2 28/03/2020 12:57
Eine interessante Bearbeitung, HansIch wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende und bleib gesund, lg Anton