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Collage digitale su Photoshop (course by Nick Pedersen) - primo tentativo

Collage digitale su Photoshop (course by Nick Pedersen) - primo tentativo

5.870 2

Collage digitale su Photoshop (course by Nick Pedersen) - primo tentativo

This is by the first course I made, by Nick Pedersen, my first attempt of using the matte painting technique.
Isn't completed at 100% but it is very close to what I wanted to create... I will try a second time to do a better job
Shadows almost lack completely, I should have create them more hard following the sun position

Comentarios 2

Michelangelo88 desea expresamente feedback constructivo para esta fotografía. Ayúdalo con consejos sobre la composición de la imagen, la técnica, el lenguaje de la imagen, etc. (Por favor, ¡ten en cuenta el código de conducta!).


Carpeta Matte painting
Vistas 5.870

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