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Contemplation on a 'Tractor' in the Soft Sunlight of Autumn

Contemplation on a 'Tractor' in the Soft Sunlight of Autumn

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Contemplation on a 'Tractor' in the Soft Sunlight of Autumn

Lenz (or Lantzsch, as it is known in the Romansch language of Switzerland's Canton Graubünden), is a village scenically situated on a ledge above the Albula River. Agriculture is a significant part of its economy, which might account for the tractor-like appearance of this pretty little girl's conveyance.

I loved the gentle mood created by the combination of soft back-light of this autumn afternoon and
her contemplative expression. Delighted to find this sun-caressed moment from a visit with my Swiss
friends Beatrice and Ruedi in early autumn, 2011. It makes its first appearance today.

© Steve Ember
A sun-kissed scene nearby on that same afternoon

Steve Ember

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