1.273 7


Premium (World), München

Dancing Legs

Taken in Zilina, Slovakia at a folks festival in 2005.
Aufgenommen auf einem Folksfest, in Zilina in der Slowakei 2005.
Nikon D70



Comentarios 7

  • Tatiana Kirillova 05/03/2006 7:01

    I like the picture very much! But I would "catch" whole legs on the photo without cutting off lower part. Than the picture would be even more impressive.
  • Tony AKa fototaker 09/02/2006 23:58

    very coool, dancing is motion... why capture a sec of it when you can record the motion!!
  • Hans Solcer 08/02/2006 13:26

    very nice idea! well done!
  • KasiaDesign 07/02/2006 21:17

    @Gino and Nyo Pu, thanks. I was hoping this would maybe come over.
    @Reinhold, sorry to disappoint you: I think I chose automatic settings:
    Nikon D70, Sigma 70-300mm 1/4-5.6 D - 300mm
    1/2.5 s, 1/5.6. ISO 200
  • Reinhold Bauer 07/02/2006 6:49

    ein freier geist erfreut sich natürlich auch an sowas experimentellem sehr.
    langzeitbelichtung und blitz auf den 2. vorhang, oder?
    lg reinhold
  • Nyo Pu 07/02/2006 1:20

    very nice futurism (dynamism) foto.
  • Gino Santa Maria 06/02/2006 22:44

    I love the abstract quality and composition. Congratulations.