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Dettifoss- Iceland

Dettifoss- Iceland

2.037 3

Dettifoss- Iceland

Dettifoss is Europe’s mightiest waterfall. It is 44 m high and about 100 m wide. it's really impressive...the noice of its falling water can be heared from many chilometers of distance, it's a really spectacular view...

Comentarios 3

  • Vera Shulga 22/04/2010 18:25

    Grandioso e magnifico!
  • vjdj 22/04/2010 18:16

    Wow what a view, well done!!! Greetings, vj
  • Viera 22/04/2010 17:19

    Really very impressive scenery. Again, one of beautiful places of our planet that you enable us to see.
    Ciao, Viera